src.wrappers package


src.wrappers.OsipiBase module

class src.wrappers.OsipiBase.OsipiBase(bvalues=None, thresholds=None, bounds=None, initial_guess=None, algorithm=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The base class for OSIPI IVIM fitting


Placeholder for subclass initialization


The array of accepted dimensions e.g. (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D) (True, True, False, False, False, False)


Query if the selection dimension is fittable


Author identification


Checks if input bounds fulfil the algorithm requirements


Minimum number of b-values required


Checks if input initial guess fulfil the algorithm requirements


Checks if the number of input thresholds fulfil the algorithm requirements

osipi_fit(data, bvalues=None, **kwargs)[source]

Fits the data with the bvalues Returns [S0, f, Dstar, D]

osipi_initiate_algorithm(algorithm, **kwargs)[source]

Turns the class into a specified one by the input. This method can be used instead of specifically importing that class and initiating it.

WIP: Add args and kwargs!


algorithm (string): The name of the algorithm, should be the same as the file in the src/standardized folder without the .py extension.


Prints the requirements of the algorithm. Attributes that are currently checked for are: required_bvalues (int):

The lowest number of b-values required.

required_thresholds (array-like)

1D array-like of two ints [least number of b-value thresholds, most number of b-value_thresholds].

required_bounds (bool):

Whether bounds are required or not.

required_bounds_optional (bool):

Whether bounds are optional or not

required_initial_guess (bool):

Whether an initial guess is required or not.

required_initial_guess_optional (bool):

Whether an initial guess is optional or not.

osipi_simple_bias_and_RMSE_test(SNR, bvalues, f, Dstar, D, noise_realizations=100)[source]

src.wrappers.ivim_fit module

src.wrappers.ivim_fit.ivim_fit(authors=None, signals=None, bvalues=None, data=None, initial_guess=None, bounds=None)[source]

wrapper function to use OSIPI code contributions for IVIM fit :param author: str, can be one of [] :param signals: numpy array containing signal intensities :param bvalues: numpy array containing corresponding b-values :param data: object containing signals and bvalues :param initial_guess: list of initial parameter estimates :param bounds: list containing list of lower parameter bounds and list of upper parameter bounds :return: numpy array of shape (signals.size, 4) with the D, Dp, f, S0 per voxel.

Module contents